As the Ortakçı Cam family, we visited Anıtkabir, the eternal resting place of the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. During this meaningful visit, we deeply felt once again the sacrifices Atatürk made for our country and the legacy he left behind. As Ortakçı Cam, we renewed our dedication to serving our country and nation in line with Atatürk's principles and reforms.
During our visit to Anıtkabir, we had the opportunity to better understand the revolutions Atatürk carried out throughout his life and the values he added to our country. The architectural structure of Anıtkabir and the valuable artifacts displayed in the museum section deeply impressed us during the visit. As the Ortakçı Cam family, we once again strengthened our determination to preserve and carry forward the legacy Atatürk entrusted to us.